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Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom...

Updated: Sep 18, 2023

I fear God.


There, I said it but what do I mean? It seems rather self-explanatory but then again when talking about God, one could fill volumes and volumes in library after library!

I love to write. I’m not saying I’m good at it, I just love to do it! Why? Because unlike “vlogging”, I can go back, edit, rewrite, edit and write again. The whole point is to “communicate”, right?! I suppose one could write to educate, maybe that’s another aspect of it but my primary purpose is to get an idea across or a message out. What is the message or idea? God. God is real. God loves you.

Seems pretty simple but then that’s where it gets interesting. Bookstores, Christian or not, are filled with books about “God”. Is God real? Does God love you? Does God love me? Etc, etc...This is kind of my fear or where my fear starts. Who am I to be writing on such a topic? A topic about “God”...

GREAT question!

I have loved God. I have hated God. I have rebelled against God and I have repented, asked God’s working out my salvation with “Fear and trembling” Phil 2:12&13

The ONLY “thing” consistent in my life is my relationship, “good or bad”, with God.

I am a Christian, I think? That six word sentence or statement right there will send many Christian theologians into a tizzy! What do you mean, “I am a Christian, I think?”, you either are a Christian or you are not!! There is truth in that statement, or a statement like it, but NOT love. This is where, we the Church, have failed on earth. We have tried to make the Love of God black and white on earth, from theologian to laity, It is NOT. The Love of God is NOT black and white. It is so multi-layered and multi-dimensional that an eternity of eternities would not suffice to discern the Love of God. But in that “multi-layered and multi-dimensional love” we have an example of the Love of God that might appear black and white, but then again, appearances can be deceiving! The example? The voluntary and sacrificial death of...Jesus – the pure, perfect, undefiled, Holy Son of God, the Absolute essence of God “Begotten NOT made, of one being with the Father” – blood sacrificed to turn away God’s wrath from me and you so that we may live!

Again, I. FEAR. GOD. Because of the indefinable vastness of God, who am I to speak of Him, to write about Him? Based in Christian Theology and NO other theology, philosophy, or tradition, I am a son because of The Work Jesus accomplished on the cross. I am a child of God (Romans 8:17) and that is why I feel “DRIVEN” to express my thoughts and feelings about Him publicly on this platform... want a "wise coach", don't in..."The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"

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